Please click on the Donate button above or scan this QR code:
Mount Aloysius is a not for profit 501(C)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible. There are many ways you can contribute to the special people at Mount Aloysius. The following are just a few simple ways to enrich the lives of the residents, encourage and support the families, and provide incentive for the staff:
Attending Fund Raisers
Monetary Donations
Guest Speaking – Share your skills and talent
Donations may be submitted to Mount Aloysius. Mount Aloysius will acknowledge your gift by sending a thank you letter.

Special Occasion Donations
Acknowledge a special occasion for a friend, family member, loved one, or colleague. Mount Aloysius will send a letter to the person you designate that announces the gift but not the amount. This is a special way to acknowledge birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions.
Matching Gift Donations
Many employers have a matching gift program that could double or even triple your gift to Mount Aloysius. Find out if your employer has a matching gift program so you can increase your impact.
Memorial Donations
Remember someone close to you by making a donation to Mount Aloysius in their memory. Mount Aloysius will send a letter to the family in acknowledgement of your donation.
Donations can be sent to:
Mount Aloysius Corp.
PO Box 598
New Lexington, Ohio 43764
To make a credit card donation, please call Kim Flood at (740) 342-3343.